Maribyrnong City Council currently has an annual allocation to commission permanent public art as part of its Capital Works and Improvement Program Budget. The commissioning of public art is guided by "On the Edge” Maribyrnong Public Art Strategy. The site chosen for the 2013/14 public art commission is the suburb of Braybrook – specifically the redeveloped Braybrook Community Centre where two permanent public works will be commissioned. The newly developed Braybrook Community Hub is one of a number of projects that Maribyrnong City Council is undertaking as part of its “Revitalising Braybrook” initiative.

An artist selection panel reviewed the works of twenty artists, all of whom were submitted through an Expression Of Interest (EOI), and seven were shortlisted. This blog documents the process by which each artist/artist team will work with artist/curator Kendal Henry to develop final proposals which will then be presented to a public art panel, Council and the general public. Only two proposals will eventually be awarded commissions.



People is made of two monumental abstracted figures standing side by side. Mounted on rotational bearings each figure will pivot on its central line allowing the forms to embrace or turn away from each other in a constant dance of human dynamics. Fitted with cameras and screens each figure will act as a periscope. This will permit the community to see a 360 ̊ panorama of their neighbourhood through the eyes of these 6 meter tall guardians. The cameras will also transmit their view wirelessly so that their vision can be enjoyed by anyone on their mobile device or personal computer.

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